Monday, January 2, 2012

Acceptance, forgiveness and tolerance, those are life-altering lessons

Acceptance is not love. You love a person because he or she has lovable traits, but you accept everybody just because they're alive and human.

I hear a lot people talking now a days how they want to be accepted for who they are but don't accept others for who they are? That is not how I want to be. I want to accept everyone, for their short comings, as I have many myself.

You all know the song "Born this way" by Lady Gaga? Well one line in the song, talks about "trans-gender life" wait, you were born this way? God doesn't make mistakes, right? Well you are right God doesn't make mistakes at all, and you are wrong they are born transgender. 

Now you are thinking, what? That doesn't make any seance at all?  But it does, think about this, when Siamese twins are born, do you think God made a mistake? No he didn't, nature did. Same as a transgenders, born in the wrong body. That is how I feel about it. 

Have any of you ever talked to a transgender? Well you will be shocked, they are very nice people. I love them with all my heart!

I meet my first one about 10 years ago at a bar I use to work at, called Scotties. First I miss that bar!!! Second I am so glad I got to meet Kate there! She is one great person, I have never known anyone like her.

Kate has a heart of gold and will do anything to help anyone, with nothing to gain from it but the peace of being a good person. How can she be a mistake? I think she is a better person then most people I know. I can't say enough good things about her.

I have never heard her utter anything and I mean anything negative about anyone. How many people can you really say you know, fits that bill? I think she has a be a super human of some kind.

Just because you might not understand something, doesn't mean that you have think it is wrong.

ACCEPTANCE, we all want it and we all need to make sure we practice it. I will make sure that I will do this in the new year and forgive everyone that has hurt me and learn to accept them as they are. Because I am what I am and so are they. 

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