Friday, February 10, 2012


Did you know that many Christians don't know that:

Jesus says nothing about same-sex behavior?
The Jewish prophets are silent about homosexuality?
Only six or seven of the Bible's one million verses refer to same-sex behavior in any way -- and none of these verses refer to homosexual orientation as it's understood today?

I was watching TV and I saw a segment from the Ellen show, it was about a group called One Million Moms and how they wanted everyone to boycott JC Penney's for hiring Ellen as a spokes person. Wow I am still shocked, and I don't know why, that hates groups are still out there. I am so sad that people are still using the Bible as a weapon. God would have never wanted anyone to be hated in the way they do.

I am a openly gay Christian and I do not think that God hates me for being this way. I was born this way and God loves me no matter what anyone says or tries to intemperate the Bible to say.

I wish more people could focus on love and being kind as my church does. I go to Zion UCC in Henderson KY and I have to say I love that place! I feel at home and no one and I mean no one treats me bad, they accept me for who and what I am. I can even take a guy that I am dating with me. What Church should be all about, Love not Hate!

I thank God every day for the wonderful people has put in my life and even my family. I have two great open and accepting parents and my sister loves me too! My close friends are the best people I have had in my life. My friends at Church are the nicest people you could ever meet. Even at work everyone is accepting of me, managers too. Now how lucky am I? God has truly blessed me!

Now God had one more surprise for me, he bought Shayne into my life. Again God is looking out for me and taking care of me. He brings people into my life that I need at the right time, and most of all for a good reason.

Don't get me wrong I have up times and down times, I am human, plus I have to deal with people that are homophobic. It does get to me from time to time, but then I remember that God is looking out for me.

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