Thursday, August 9, 2012

Playtime Explored – Role/Play

July 31, 2012

Role-playing fantasies is a great tool; they assist in awakening creativity and imagination in the couple, Role-playing can also help divert from routine sex, and may heighten and enrich sexual relations.

The beauty of role-playing is that you can be anyone you want: anyone you have ever wanted to be or anyone your partner has always desired. Always had a thing for nurses, teachers, or cops? Act out our sexual fantasy with a little role-playing and add some fun and spice to your sex life. With the right partner, you shouldn’t be too shy or too nervous to give fun sex a try.

Role-playing and sex games can go beyond just a little talk and pretending — you can dress up in outfits and costumes and act out an entire fantasy or scenario. Start out with something simple, and work your way into more complex role-playing as you and your partner become more comfortable. It’s exhilarating to shed your everyday self and be someone different and exciting, and it’s even more fun to take on that new persona in bed with sex games. Pretending that you’re someone else may make you feel less inhibited, more relaxed, and more willing to try something new.

Bondage or SM (sadomasochism) is a fantasy-based type of role-playing in which leather and restraints are often used. Leather can be erotic for many people; so can the idea of bondage and control. However, it’s important to make sure both parties enjoy these types of sex games and that each person in the relationship is comfortable with bondage or SM role-playing.
There are lots of sex games you can play, and role-playing is a great place to start. Do you or your partner have a certain fantasy? Start with that.