Saturday, January 5, 2013

What a boy wants

A collar is an outward sign of a commitment given to the boy by his Sir. It is similar in meaning to a wedding ring but worn around the neck instead of the finger. IT is NOT given after an hour trick or a weekend tryst. The collar signifies that the boy belongs to that SPECIFIC boy to be guided and treated with respect; NOT abused.

There are three types of collars; first comes the collar of consideration. This is when a Sir is interested in a boy and wants to show it. At this time the Sir will start to lay down some rules to work up to the next collar. There is no set time periods between collars. When the Sir feels the boy is ready for the next, He will make it known.

The second collar is the “Training collar”. The purpose of the training collar is to indicate the Sirs interest to move beyond mere consideration and work more towards the training of a boy in the rituals and protocols in the Sir’s house intended to train the boy on how the Sir wants the boy to be. Similarly to the consideration collar, there are no set time periods between this collar and the next, In many a training phase, the Sir and the boy will begin negotiations and form a formal contract between them both. This is another topic to be covered another time.

The third and final collar is a permanent the collar. This is the final collar and the boy is now Sirs permanent boy. This is what a boy works for and wants.

i was taught that a collar was usually given AFTER a significant amount of time had passed or a Sir has determined the boy is a good match and no longer requires consideration or training. Some Sirs choose to have a formal ceremony, while others have a more private collaring. Neither is more correct, it is what is determined in the power exchange between the Sir and boy.

Given that we live in the 21st century, and often boys have jobs in business or other industries where the wearing of a formal collar would interfere with the job, in that case, then the Sir and boy can discuss the practicalities of a smaller “work/travel” collar and a formal collar.
This was a tough article to write, it is pretty cut and dry. If I have left anything out, please let me know!