Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I am here for your entertainment

OK I am going to start to post a picture a day, of things as I see it. I have to give thanks to my sweetheart Shayne who has inspired me!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Something has changed in my Life

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death!

I use to think this way until Shayne came into my life and now I am thinking about the opportunities that are ahead of me instead of being safe. My life has taken another jump start!

He has inspired me to do open my heart and my mind. I thought it would be a big deal that he lives so far from my me, but something about him makes it all OK. Also he showed me his blog and how he likes to take pictures. Which now I want to do the same thing with my own twist.

His eye to detail is amazing and he has opened my eyes to things I have never noticed. I am so glad he has shown me his world though his eyes. 

He takes a picture every day and I think I will start doing the same with my own twist. Now what that twist is? Well I will have to figure that out.

Well as you see, I think, well I am I in love with him. He is one great guy with a wonderful heart! He has changed my life for the better!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The one

I have to say I had a great night last night! Shayne and I have been talking for a long time now and decided to meet in St Louis to see if this spark is real, and I have to say it was!

We meet at the Harrah's Casino in St Louis and the moment I saw him get out of his car, my eyes lite up and heart started to beat a little faster. Finally a man that made me see that I still have a heart to love someone and not be that scared to show it.

He has the most beautiful blue eyes and when I look into them I see a wonderful man and a pure sole. I see a man that has opened my heart and eyes to see a whole new world.

I thought I had lost that ability to feel that after my last break up, 4 years ago. Thank God that I got the chance to meet him and feel the things he made me feel.

You know that spark when you meet someone? I felt it with him and trust me, you can't make yourself feel it. It chooses you, you don't choose it. Is this the one? The one that will be mine for the rest of life? I hope so!

I know we meet online about a year ago and only started to talk on the phone the last few weeks, but he does feel like he is the one for me. I know what you are saying to yourself, you only just meet him, how could you love him? Well my parents knew each other for 2 weeks before they got married and they were together till my Father dies for 60 years.

We have talked about "our relationship" and we both agree, there is no problem as permanent as a solution to it. So if we go into this, with this idea, then it will work. We will make it work.

We are so much a like but yet have some many things different. That the makings of a great relationship.  It makes me smile to see him how passionate he is about things I never thought about or even looked at. He is good for me as I am for him.

I have to give thanks to God for sending him my way! One of new years resolutions was to stop looking and just face it, I would be alone for the rest of life. But guess what, I wont!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Being Happy

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. 

What makes one happy? Is it money? being with someone? No it has to start with yourself. You have to happy with yourself or you will never be happy with yourself. Sure we all have things we would like to be, change or have. But we are all human.

I had a bad year last year and I let it get to me, but not any more. I have taken charge of life and not going to let things get me down like they did.

How I started to get to this wonderful place was first and fore most. I had to love myself. Second I had to forgive everyone that had done things wrong to me. Let me tell you the second one was the hardest thing to do. Third is to start to make changes in my life that I feel I need to change.

If you want to succeed in your life, remember this phrase: That past does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday, or all day today, or a moment ago. All that matters is: What are you going to do, right now?

Now I am not going to say, that my life is perfect and I am the happiest man in the world. But I will say I am happier now then I have been in years. And I still have a long way to go but I am on the right path.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Take a chance on me

You're so scared to fall in love, because you end up in the dust, every-time. I know you know there's something here, but you cannot get pas the fear. 

I can help you make it clear...

So when you feel like trying again reach out, take my hand, so how great it could be to fall in love with someone you can trust. Who would never give up on you, Baby take a chance on me

Meet this guy the other day, well over a year ago, but we just talking again, and something happened in me that has not happened in a long time and I thought would never happen again in my life time. 

It is funny, I have talked with a lot guys and dated a few too, but there has to be something, a spark, and that can be just said, it is felt deep inside of you. A feeling like no other. 

On my day off I talked with Shayne for over 6 hours on the phone and still had a ton of things to talk about and I don't want to hang up the phone when I talk with him. 

This guy has hit me hard, but I am a little scared. I am not scared of him, just I don't want to get my heart broken any more. It has been glued back together so many times that is a little on the fragile side.

I know I will take it slow with this one, I don't want to mess things up and I want to make sure he is Mr right for me. But right now I do feel he is the man I have been waiting for.

It is funny, new years eve 2012, I decided to give up and just except that all I would ever have in my life was friends. And you know, that good enough for me, but them enters Shayne to make me feel diffidently.

I think we will have a bright future ahead of us, but most of all I have to thank him for letting my head and heart know that I can still feel that special feeling inside. That feeling that makes me smile deep inside, that makes me want to yell to the word, this is it!

I have tried to date other guys and I have to say I talked and dated some great guys but I did not feel that spark inside. Don't get me wrong they are great loving men but you know what I mean, you can make that feeling happen.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I hate to be negative, but I get so tired of hearing these republicans saying all these bad things about gay people and then saying they are Christian. I just don't understand? God teaches love and all they do is preach hate. There are 6 passages in the Bible condemning homosexuality and 362 condemning heterosexuals. So explain to me, why they have to hang on to those 6 and forget the 362? 

The God I know doesn't care who or what I am. He loves me no matter what. Where is the love that God talks about? Why are gay people such a threat to everyone? I just don't understand? Seams like there is so much hate in the world, so why do they have to add it? and even in Gods name?

What is funny about them is that they have secret lives and do all the things that they are so hell bent against? 

I get up every morning and see all the hate that my brother post and it makes me sick. He has no control over his own life. His wife and Daughter control him and he puts out so much hate about liberals to deflect from his own personal hell.

Sorry about the rant there, but my brother got me fired up!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Story of my life

I've got everything I need except a man. And I'm not one of those men who thinks a man is the answer to everything, but I'm tired of being alone.

Terry and I

I am taking the attitude this year to being positive and not dwell in the past. I have to say I love having my own place and living alone, but I do miss dating someone and just having someone by my side when I wake up.

I've been blessed in life with meeting some good men and sharing love with them. Sometimes I think TV has messed up my point of view on how relationships work. All is fixed in an half hour, LOL, right.

Drew and I

I hope that this year will be a whole lot different in a lot ways and hope to at lease to meet someone that shares the same views as me and hold the same values, well at lease close to mine.

I want to meet a man that has his own place, so we still have our space and just take things slow and get to know them and me. Someone who likes to go to church and feels similar to how I do about it.

David and I

I don't think I am asking for a whole lot, but seams it is so hard to find. But you know what? I think he is out there and God will cross our paths one day soon. Come on God I am still waiting!

I don't need a man to define me, just one to be beside me. For the good times and the bad. To use a favorite quote of mine, I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Acceptance, forgiveness and tolerance, those are life-altering lessons

Acceptance is not love. You love a person because he or she has lovable traits, but you accept everybody just because they're alive and human.

I hear a lot people talking now a days how they want to be accepted for who they are but don't accept others for who they are? That is not how I want to be. I want to accept everyone, for their short comings, as I have many myself.

You all know the song "Born this way" by Lady Gaga? Well one line in the song, talks about "trans-gender life" wait, you were born this way? God doesn't make mistakes, right? Well you are right God doesn't make mistakes at all, and you are wrong they are born transgender. 

Now you are thinking, what? That doesn't make any seance at all?  But it does, think about this, when Siamese twins are born, do you think God made a mistake? No he didn't, nature did. Same as a transgenders, born in the wrong body. That is how I feel about it. 

Have any of you ever talked to a transgender? Well you will be shocked, they are very nice people. I love them with all my heart!

I meet my first one about 10 years ago at a bar I use to work at, called Scotties. First I miss that bar!!! Second I am so glad I got to meet Kate there! She is one great person, I have never known anyone like her.

Kate has a heart of gold and will do anything to help anyone, with nothing to gain from it but the peace of being a good person. How can she be a mistake? I think she is a better person then most people I know. I can't say enough good things about her.

I have never heard her utter anything and I mean anything negative about anyone. How many people can you really say you know, fits that bill? I think she has a be a super human of some kind.

Just because you might not understand something, doesn't mean that you have think it is wrong.

ACCEPTANCE, we all want it and we all need to make sure we practice it. I will make sure that I will do this in the new year and forgive everyone that has hurt me and learn to accept them as they are. Because I am what I am and so are they. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.

Mark and I

I think I will start the New Year with a positive note. 2011 was a bad year for me in a lot of walls, but I need to count my blessings and not focus on the past. If I would live in the past and I will never be able to go forward. 

I have to say I start the new year off right. First I got off work for the weekend and then I spent it with my best friends. Mike P and Mark and I went to St Louis, David did not get to go because his mother is in the hospital, and went to Bad Dogs Bar. Jim and Bob own it, some good friends of Mike P.

We left town early and stopped in the bar around 7 PM so needless to say, we started to drink early that night. So you can guess, we were a little too drunk that night. It was nice to be with them and having a good time.

The bartender was someone that I knew from a long time ago. His name is Chuck and he is a very handsome man. I t was to look at him as the night went on. After 12 midnight and the balloon drop, which had prizes in the balloons and I won nothing, we went to JJ's Bar.

As soon as we walk in the door at JJ's we seen a few guys from Evansville. You know how it is, go out of town and see everyone you know for your home town, LOL! It was packed in there and everyone was having a festive time.

We ended the night by going to the Southside Dinner and the food there is always good, well when you are drunk, all food taste good. We had a very bad waiter and he took forever to take care of us. One nice think was, when I stood in line to the bathroom, I got hit on by a nice looking guy and we ended up kissing for new years. After the dinner, we walked back to Jim and Bob's house and went to bed.

So as for the start of 2012, it was a great start! So I hope the rest of the year goes just as well and this weekend.